Programmer, Digital Explorer
Wherever These Paws Take Me
Soon, once the message channel is up
Project 1: Build - Lightweight Tracking Solution (v0.1)
Project 2: Build - Phone Application (Android, v0.1)
Project 3: Build - Alternate Reality Lightweight Game (v0.1)
Project 4: Learn - Traverse the Web
Project 5: Learn - Traverse the Machine
Project 7: Senselessly Coding On
Project 6: Escape
Skill Aquisition
Linux - Ubuntu
Here I sit in a failing vehicle, in a location that I dispise, around people who hold my strong contempt for recent actions on the national and local scales. There are several contacts that need to be stomped from my sphere of influence, but that purge will hppen soon enough. I am just happy to have some semblence of normalcy coalesce. It's just my turn to bare my fangs and rip toxic influences from my immediate circles. They'll fall to their own madness soon enough.
SPOILER: C by GE Smart Lights are worse than having a dumb-light. Known Bias Disclosure: I have a strong preference for privacy for what happens within my lair and don't like even Google having to send what it hears to their servers... so any smartlight that can operate without the manufacturer adding another point of usage disclosure is going to get bonus points from me... unless it sucks. A dumb light, or what most people call a "lightbulb", is a device that provides light when affixed to a light socket that provides electrical current. Usually, these currents can be active, and called turned on, or broken and called turned off. If you want light, you can usually go to the switch and flip it, which completes the circuit and powers the light to make it emit a constant light. This is the beauty of the simplocity. Want light? Turn it on. You will always get light that, depending on your bulb, is usually white. But lets take lighting to another extreme. I want control of my light. I don't want white light, I want any color. I don't want to get up from my Hot-Cheeto-Horde and turn the light off. I just want to bask in the red glow of my lighting in the crunchy lair and shift it in intensity depending on light of day by voice. This... is the beauty of a smart light. So far, I have three brands of smartlights that I have tinkered with.
So, it has happened.
First, those of you who know me are aware of my leanings on the matters of the world of today, and if it is not clear, I suggest discourse instead of assuming through the lenses of our own biases. That said, though, this page is not of the quality that I want to use it as a platform. Such serious topics deserve a platform where they won't be shunned. That said, this is hopefully the last time that this particular site will touch on Real World Issues.
Whoo. Ok. That said...
The past 60 days have been quite troubling. I have been quite a bit busy and trying to adust to my recent change of lair. Pacing over the flatlands was interesting, and has left a layer of salt to thse tired soles, but finally I am able to sit and enjoy the fruits of this labor. My own domain. Yet it has been difficult to ease myself into a pattern where I am able to find constant free time where I am not stomping around wildly or fidgiting restlessly. I will prevail through this as I have so many other challenges, but it does leave me a bit lacking for viable free time... and for that, I apologize.
Be well, and stomp on.
It has happened. This dragon has managed to move to my new stomping grounds. Their rightful grounds. Now that I have been invigorated with this new location, I feel like I need to build and create....
And that would all be much easier with a computer.
So, to be able to keep up with my goals and dreams... I have now enhanced my computing ability with a tablet that makes programming and communicating much easier!
Huzzah! Gone are the days of mindlessly milling around in the HTML to add and remove entries. Now, entries will LIVE FOREVER!
And by that, I mean that I have added the functionality to dynamically add to this list, and search for previous entries. Additional functionality will come as I add a way for me to not have to manually add things to the DB, and for pages to be dyamically searched, but in all, I am pleased.